Friday, July 6, 2012

Windows 7 MSVCR80 Dll

In Microsoft Office 2007 software, MS Office PowerPoint and MS Office Outlook may stop functioning and show an error that MSVCR80.dll file couldn't be found which is required to run the application(s). Windows 7 users can follow these steps to solve the problem on their own.

Troubleshooting Guidelines:

Re-register the DLL File
Fix Issues in Windows Registry
Change LoadBehaviour Registry Value
Uninstall Recent Office Updates
Clean Temporary Files

Re-register the DLL File

Every DLL file is registered in Windows Registry in order to function the corresponding programs properly. If the DLLs registration information is missing or invalid, you may face errors such as Windows 7 MSVCR80.dll.

Click Start.
Click All Programs | Accessories.
Right click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
Type the following command and press ENTER:
regsvr32 "\MSVCR80.dll

After the DLL registration procedure is complete, close Windows 7 Ultimate Key Command Prompt by typing Exit and pressing ENTER.

Fix Issues in Registry

Broken registry entries in the Shared DLLs section and Microsoft Office registry locations can cause Windows 7 MSVCR80.dll error. To fix the issue, do the following procedure:

Download a Registry Cleaner software
Mark the box Shared DLLs as checked.
Click Start Scan button.
Click Fix Now button.

Change LoadBehaviour Registry Value

This step is needed only for the Acer computers. Users using Acer computer shall make sure that a registry entry called LoadBehavior contains value 0 only. The required steps are as follows:

Click Start.
Type RegEdit and press ENTER.
Navigate to the following registry location:
HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlo Windows 7 Ultimate Key ok\OAddin.Addin
Double click the string called LoadBehaviour and modify its Windows 7 Ultimates Key value to 0.
Press ENTER or click OK.
Close Registry Editor and restart the malfunctioning program of MS Office system.

Uninstall Recent Office Updates

Microsoft Office updates might be downloaded and installed indirectly by Windows Update utility. Uninstalling the recent Office Updates will fix Windows 7 MSVCR80.dll.

Click Start.
Click All Programs | Windows Update.
At the bottom left side screen, click a link called Installed Updates.
Select a recently installed Office update and click Uninstall. Examples include the following:
a. Security Update Windows 7 Professional Product Key for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB969618)
b. Security Update for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB972581)
c. Security Update for PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (KB970059)

Close Windows Update after the process has been finished and restart your computer.

Clean Temporary Files

Deleting the temporary files and making the temporary directories empty would help solve Windows 7 MSVCR80.dll error. You can take help of a System Cleaner software, or otherwise, use the Disk CleanUp by performing below instructions:

Click Start.
Click All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk CleanUp.
Select the system partition, for example, drive C.
Press ENTER.
Follow the simple instructions on your screen.

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